Show All Nonprinting Characters does not show spaces



In Office 2008 Word, when I click Show all Nonprinting Characters it does
not show spaces as it used to in Office 2004 (it does show tabs and
paragraphs). I have checked preferences and selected to show spaces there,
too, and they still do not show. Also have trashed preferences to no avail.

Any ideas? Is this a bug in the program or is my installation just acting


Snit stated in post C692FE37.3E1F6%[email protected] on 7/27/09
6:48 AM:
In Office 2008 Word, when I click Show all Nonprinting Characters it does
not show spaces as it used to in Office 2004 (it does show tabs and
paragraphs). I have checked preferences and selected to show spaces there,
too, and they still do not show. Also have trashed preferences to no avail.

Any ideas? Is this a bug in the program or is my installation just acting
In case it matters: running on Intel, OS X 10.5.7, Word 12.2.0


AFAIK there have been no similar reports, nor do I have that problem on
either of my Macs. Have you tried using a higher Zoom? The dots for spaces
are a rather pale shade of blue and can be virtually impossible to discern
on high res displays if the Zoom is set to 100% or less.


CyberTaz stated in post (e-mail address removed) on 7/27/09
7:20 AM:
AFAIK there have been no similar reports, nor do I have that problem on
either of my Macs. Have you tried using a higher Zoom? The dots for spaces
are a rather pale shade of blue and can be virtually impossible to discern
on high res displays if the Zoom is set to 100% or less.

Tried it in a different file. Worked fine - though the dots are very hard
to see. Copied all text and pasted to a new document and all worked fine.

Odd. Thanks for the reply.

John McGhie

There is a setting in Word preferences that controls "which" of the
non-printing characters you can see when you click the show/hide button.

For best results, it should be set to "Show all" and the other boxes turned

This setting persists on a per-document basis. So if someone turned off
spaces in that document, you won't see them. And as Bob says, some fonts
and some zoom levels make them hard to see...


CyberTaz stated in post (e-mail address removed) on 7/27/09
7:20 AM:

Tried it in a different file. Worked fine - though the dots are very hard
to see. Copied all text and pasted to a new document and all worked fine.

Odd. Thanks for the reply.

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John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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