Splitting cells into multiple records


Ricky Waldron


Here is what I am trying to do. I have an access DB that Excels pulls info
out of and puts in a nice little format. My issue is that some of the fields
have multiple records in it. Here is an example of the DB:

First Name | Last Name | Issue | Remediation

You would only have one first and last name, but there might be multiple
instances in the issue and remediation cells.

First Name | Last Name | Issue
| Remediation

John |Smith | Issue Number 1
| Remediation Number 1

| Issue Number 2
| Remediation Number 2

| Issue Number 3
| Remediation Number 3

| Issue Number 4
| Remediation Number 4

The 4 issues would be in 1 cell and the 4 remediation's would be in 1 cell.
I want to set up some sort of rule or Micro to split up the Issue and
Remediation cell into multiple cells, but repeat the first and last name.

First Name | Last Name | Issue
| Remediation

John | Smith | Issue Number 1
| Remediation Number 1

John | Smith | Issue Number 2
| Remediation Number 2

John | Smith | Issue Number 3
| Remediation Number 3

John | Smith | Issue Number 4
| Remediation Number 4

The information is pulling from a SharePoint list, so it would have to be
something that would automatically when the spreadsheet is opened.

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