stop Visio from moving shapes


Chuck D

I have a very simple question involving how to stop Visio from moving my
shapes around. I have a layout of a parent with seven children in Org chart
structure built using WBS modeler. In order to keep the drawing on one page,
I need to change the format of one of the childern so that they are displayed
horizontally instead of vertically. I disconnected the childern, put them
where I wanted them and locked them from change. But everytime I try to
connect the three chidren to the parent, Visio move them around. This is
getting more than annoying. How can I stop this?

Thanks, Chuck D.

David Parker

WBS Modeler has layouting rules built into it.

In general, you select the parent shape then use either the right mouse
actions or the shape data to toggle the vertical/horizontal arrangements of
child elements.

You can change the spacing between child elements too by changing the
relevant shape data between Tightest;Tight;Normal;Loose;Loosest

You can add spaces between elements if you need them to be irregularly
spaced, or to effectively make them left or right justified

I suspect that you are not changing the shape data "Vertical Child Elements"
to False, therefore they are automatically arranged vertically when you
re-connect them.

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