

Jorge Carvalho

I want to assign resources to my tasks, but I don’t want to assign them one
by one, I want to use a team because, I work, whit civil construction,
projects, and the task I plan, are done by teams of workers and equipments:
In civil works Teams have productivity ratates, simple resources, have no
productivity rates estabiched. Is it possible to define a resource that is
composed by different simple resources? this would simplify my work.
Thank you for the help you can give me.


Jorge Carvalho said:
I want to assign resources to my tasks, but I don’t want to assign them one
by one, I want to use a team because, I work, whit civil construction,
projects, and the task I plan, are done by teams of workers and equipments:
In civil works Teams have productivity ratates, simple resources, have no
productivity rates estabiched. Is it possible to define a resource that is
composed by different simple resources? this would simplify my work.
Thank you for the help you can give me.

Sure, all you need to do is to identify the resource team or teams on
the Resource Sheet. You can either set up teams of like resources or
just use a generic team. For example, if you have a team of carpenters,
plumbers, electricians, or whatever, use that label as the resource
name. In the Max Units field on the Resource Sheet, indicate the number
of people on the team. For example, if there are three carpenters the
Max Units would be 300% (assuming they are all available full time).

Assigning a team to a task is pretty straightforward. For example, let's
say there is a task to install the plumbing rough-in for a house and you
need any two of the plumbers from your team of four plumbers. Assign the
plumbers resource at 200%.

You can read more about resource teams in the Project help file and you
might also want to take a look at fellow MVP, Mike Glen's series of
Project lessons and techniques. You can find the link to Mike's series

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Jorge Carvalho

John, thank you for your help. The solution, you proposed is good, if the
team is composed, by carpenters, plumbers, electricians, or whatever. But
what I want to do is a little different. I want to group, several resources,
different resources, like two plumbers and one assistant, or one excavator,
two trucks, tree drivers.


Why not create team as a resource (100% availability per 1 team).
Team members/elements you can describe in Resource description.

Of course it won't give you the ability to control the single people (like
carpenter) easily - but this is something you have to bear in mind.

If you work with some defined rates, work capacity, etc this is the only way
I can think about to use MS Project and teams.

Hope it helps,


Jorge Carvalho said:
John, thank you for your help. The solution, you proposed is good, if the
team is composed, by carpenters, plumbers, electricians, or whatever. But
what I want to do is a little different. I want to group, several resources,
different resources, like two plumbers and one assistant, or one excavator,
two trucks, tree drivers.

Hmmmm, what's a "tree driver"? I've heard of pile drivers, but a tree
driver is a new one for me :)

OK, no problem, just use a generic designation. For example, maybe you
have 5 teams of mixed resource types. Call them Team a, Team b, etc. for
the labor resources and perhaps Equipment group 1, Equipment group 2,
etc. for the machinery. This assumes you want to keep track of manpower
and machinery separately because labor is available by the hour and
machines (at least the ones you noted) are generally available by the
quantity (e.g. you have 3 backhoes and 6 dump trucks available).

On the other hand, since equipment tends to be more limited, you might
want to list each type of equipment as its own separate resource (i.e.
backhoe, dump truck, etc.). Then it is very easy to assign the resources
for a specific task. For example, maybe Task "A" will use Team b, 1
backhoe and 2 dump trucks.

Just remember to set the Max Units on the Resource Sheet to reflect the
appropriate number of people in each labor resource group. For example,
a team of 3 people has a Max Units of 300%. Also set the Type field for
each piece of equipment to "Material". That way it is easy to specify a
quantity when assigning that resource to a task.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Jorge Carvalho

John a tree driver, is a very big mistake. I am sorry I have to improve my
English. OK, but you remark was very funny. I am going to explain the reason,
why I want so bad to group resources. As I said before, I Plan construction,
projects. The task, that we execute to get the job done are always the same
(more or less), what changes a lot are the amounts. If I could, group in
advance, all the resources (work, equipment, or materials), I will need to do
one specified task, I am thinking of a unit task (painting one square meter
of wall, building one square meter of brick wall, excavating one cubic meter
of soil, for example), in the right quantity, each time, I should plane, this
task, in the future, I would, only need, to determine how many of this groups
or teams, I would need, and this would be very easy, I would only need to
know, how many units of my unit task, I need to execute.


Jorge Carvalho said:
John a tree driver, is a very big mistake. I am sorry I have to improve my
English. OK, but you remark was very funny. I am going to explain the reason,
why I want so bad to group resources. As I said before, I Plan construction,
projects. The task, that we execute to get the job done are always the same
(more or less), what changes a lot are the amounts. If I could, group in
advance, all the resources (work, equipment, or materials), I will need to do
one specified task, I am thinking of a unit task (painting one square meter
of wall, building one square meter of brick wall, excavating one cubic meter
of soil, for example), in the right quantity, each time, I should plane, this
task, in the future, I would, only need, to determine how many of this groups
or teams, I would need, and this would be very easy, I would only need to
know, how many units of my unit task, I need to execute.

Don't worry about your English, it is better than some users on this
newsgroup whose first language is English.

Thanks for providing a more detailed description of what you want. I
think I understand it now. Actually it should be quite easy. Here is
what I recommend. Since you simply want to track defined elements of
work (i.e. paint one square meter, build one linear meter of wall, etc.)
simply define the resource groups in that manner. For example on the
Resource Sheet, identify your resources as follows:

Resource Name Type Material Label Std Rate
Painting team Material Sq. Meter $7
Wall Build team Material Lin. Meter $15
Excavate team Material Cub. Meter $100

Then as you assign each team to do a task, all you need to know is how
many standard team units are required for that particular task. For
example, let's say the task is to paint a room with 80 square meters of
wall space. Assign the painting team with a Unit value of 80. The cost
for painting that room will then be $560.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP


I think a better way of doing it is to use the productivity of the gang to
calculate the duration .In case the limiting factor is the machine output
then duration will be calculated based on it. Once the duration is decided
the gang members are assigned in the normal way. This method satisfies the
conditions of productivity of machine and the gang and also enable levelling
the resorce individually although they are working as a team. Another
consideration is to have all such civil construction tasks as fixed work so
that quantity of work enables calculation of gang days.

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