trouble sharing account on my computers



I am using groove to coordinate files on my own computers. I have had it
installed on two, and it has been working perfectly. I added groove to a
third computer, emailed myself my "account for Peter Costello" file from "my
documents", opened the email on the third computer, downloaded the attached
account file, and double-clicked it. Groove opened, asked me for my password
(which I entered). But the files don't get coordinated on the third computer.
It is as if they are on different accounts. The third computer does not show
up as an account on the first two computers. However, one of the first two
computers shows up TWICE as an account on the third computer!!! HELP!!


Ashok Hingorani


apologies for the simplistic reply

but did you go to each workspace on the new machine and click on download
from my other computers
you will have only the workspace name - not the workspace itself if this is
not done

re the first computer showing up twice that is odd
i assume they have different names
did the original 2 machines show the names correctly before

when you say you have groove installed on 2 computers you mean you were
already using the same acnt on multiple computers ? have you clicked allow
this acnt to be used on multiple computers / preference, before creating the
same acnt.

i confirm that installing the same acnt on a third machine is causing me
problems too but then i have always felt this feature was a bit shaky, though
so useful




microsoft support solved the problem. i had to delete all accounts, then pick
one machine as the "origin" and establish my account there, then copy that
account again to the others. when going to the third machine, i had to go
back to the first to copy the account file. groove had to be closed and
reopened after the accounts were deleted. it all has been working perfectly
since i did this, and it is a very useful feature. ia ma alos finding that
onenote's synchronization is extremely useful. most people use more than one
computer these days, so these synchronization functions are becoming crucial.


Ashok Hingorani

if you had done this serially there is a problem ie A creates B then B
creates C
the same machine must be used to propagate multiple users A to B, A to C

thanks for the feedback it will help others as well

bst rgds


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