Using False Name


Donald Malm

3 times in the last week I have received snide replies to postings that
blame me for my troubles because I use my real name in newsgroups. Since I
have never been deceitful, I do not know how to accomplish using a false
name. In all 3 cases I posted a reply asking how to do this concealment.
Not one has had the courtesy to reply. Can anyone teach me how to conceal
my identity in this wonderful world of newsgroups?


presumably you are using OE6 to view news groups ?

go to Tools->Accounts->News
then select a News reader Account then select Properties button
the edit box labled E-Mail Address and Reply Address
can be edited to whatever you choose and are
automatically pasted into your reply/posts

change these either to something anonymous or something that make it
difficult for software to auto-magically lift your email information out and
use it to spam you or use your e-mail to spam others etc

if you want people to really be able to get your e-mail address then at
least insert something into address that a human can easily figure out but a
program may not

e.g. don<remove this junk>malm@brain<more spam guard>

some others have given suggestions in your oterh message thread so tak e a
look for suggestions there also

if you post your e-mail address to much it will only get worst , people are
just trying to save you lots of grief they have already been through ,
post a real e-mail address on an opinion based groups like
<alt.opinions.subject> and you will likely start filling your e-mail inboxes
with more e-mail excrement than you can imagine.... viruses /hate mail /
threats etc



What we have a screaming quarter wit here with only a BA Hons.

Pity you don't get some real education in the real world.

What is this BA in, Blitisher Faggots obtained from a spam e-mail

If you only realised how bloody pathetic and stupid it looks and is.

What are you trying to prove?

Steve run back to your mum so she can change your nappy/diaper and wipe your

Steve while you are there, see if she can teach you the manners and breeding
she obviously did not give you a child


You've already been told how several times and the same instructions have
already been posted hundreds of times in this and other NGs. Is that snide
enough for you?

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