Viewing pictures on a form



Hello I have been having this problem for awhile now ever since we upgraded
from 2000 to 2003 now we are going to upgrad to 2007 and I need to be able to
display employee pictures in a form like I use to. Every time I insert a
picture into a form all I see is the display icon not the picture. Does
anyone have some suggestions or something. The pictures are stored a
seperate table. Its an ADP SQL Server 2005 is the engine and Access 2007 is
on the front end. The picture table is linked to the Employee Table. anyone
have any suggestions at all??

thank you

Jackie L

I had a similar problem at a client site. It had to do with the default
image program on the workstation.

I added the following line of code to the On Current and AfterUpdate event
of the file location field and it now works. The files they are viewing are


Hope this helps,


Thank you Jack. just so I understand you correctly. I went inside the form
properties and went to the EVENT tab and On AfterUpdate and OnCurrent
(CallDisplayImage) and it didnt work. Acces just give me this error message
saying if 'CallDisplayImage' is a new macro or macro group, make sure you
have saved it and that you have type its name correctly


If I understand this correclty what I did is I went into the forms properties
and under the event tab I typed CallDisplayImage in the OnCurrent and the
AfterUpdate Events but acces is giving me an error message saying if
'CallDisplayImage' is a new macro or macro group, make sure you have saved it
and that you have typed its name correctly. Am I doing something wrong??

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