web page size



I'm really new to this, and was trying to put together a website today. I
was using a wizard and everything was going great. I was cutting and pasting
some FAQs I had typed up in Word. They were quite long (about 7 pages). In
publisher I got to a point where the "white page" ended, and anything else I
put underneath on the grey area would not show up on the website preview. I
went to Page Setup in the File menu and did a Custom page size, but this then
meant that the wizard info. (navigation menu, title etc.) were changed to mid
way down the page and not at the top anymore. Obviously this is a pain to
change all the "bits and pieces" on every page again.

So, is there a way to change the page size to a custom size, but still keep
the wizard headers at the top? Also, is there a way to just leave the webpage
sizes (lengths) open when I am creating a page.....meaning that I can just
keep typing downwards like in MS Word.

Also, is there a maximum length that a webpage can be? It looked like I
could only put in 24000 pixels as the maximum length (is this correct, and
approx. how many printed pages does this equate to?)

Don Schmidt

Just group all the items on each page and move them up to the top. Should
be a single operation per page.



Don's answer about grouping is good, but I have found that sometimes it
works better if after grouping all the content, and locking it together,
then I drag it off into the scratch area before I change the page size. I
have found that sometimes if I leave the content on the page during resizing
that it not only moves it down, but it also changes the relative spacing
between the elements. In fact, sometimes I find it easier to just open a
second instance of Publisher, create a blank page of the new size, go to the
other instance of Publisher, copy the content and paste it on the new page.

No...you can't leave the length open as in Word.

There are some limits on length, but practically speaking, no, you can make
it almost as long as you want. When you generate your HTML, the pages will
truncate after the last design element on each page, so your final pages
will be only as long as your content.

I would suggest that if you have a very long page, that you incorporate a
"go to top" shortcut. Copy following code and insert using Insert HTML
Fragment, near the bottom of page, or perhaps along side the text box every
once in a while:

<A HREF="#TOP">Go to top of page</A>

You can change the text to what ever you want, but when your produce the
HTML, you will see a link that you can click and it will take you to the top
of your page. Sure beats scrolling...



Thanks to both of you for your replies. I am now on a work computer, which
doesn't have publisher, so I will give it a go once I get home.

Just for the unknowledgible, how exactly do I group content, lock it
together, and then move it?

Thanks.......I'm sure I'll be asking a few more questions about other things
in a few days!


Just for the heck of it, go to Help and type in Group. If that doesn't
explain it, come on back.



My last answer was a bit short...

If you click on one design element such as a text box, hold down the Ctrl
key, and click on an image or as many other design elements as you want to
group, and you will see a little icon at the bottom of the group that looks
like two overlapping squares. If you hover your mouse over the icon you will
see "Group". If you click the icon, the boxes/squares move together. Now
hover the mouse over the icon again, and you will see "Ungroup". When the
design elements are grouped together, hover your mouse over the edge of the
group until you see a little truck icon that says "Move". At that point hold
down your left mouse button and drag the objects to where ever you want them
and let go (or you can also use the nudge feature). And if you made a
mistake, you can go to Edit > Undo Move Object, and it will snap back to
where you had the object(s).

In your case if you are wanting to move all the content on the page, rather
than select each individual design element, you can more easily do that in a
couple ways. Scroll down to the bottom of your page, and Ctrl + A will
select all on the page, then click the Group icon. Or you can hold your left
mouse button down and draw a box around all the design elements that you
want to group.

And what I mean by the Scratch Area is the gray area on both sides of your
Publisher document workspace. Just drag your grouped content into the
scratch area, and then back after you finish resizing, line it up where you
want it, and ungroup it. You can also copy all the grouped elements at one
time by just selecting the group.

There...that is a little more complete answer. Do look in the Help section
for Group, and it will show you an image of what the Group icon looks like.




Don't worry...it wasn't too short. After looking at the help section, it is
a fairly easy action to perform, so that was good advice.

However, your last letter is good also. So far this advice has been great,
and I have now worked out quite a bit more for my website.

Thanks Deech

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