What Exchange servers can teach us


John Eldredge

Back in the mid-90's, I had to switch from my MAC to a PC because
co-workers and folks outside my company got tired of saving WORD and
EXCEL documents two and three versions back in order to work with me.
This problem was eventually fixed at Microsoft's convenience, but I
had already had to switch.

A year ago, I switched back to a MAC after my new Dell needed three
new hard drives in two years. But the new trick now is that many
larger customers use Exchange servers to coordinate email, colanders,
address books, projects, public files, et al.

So this leaves MAC users disenfranchised for the foreseeable future.

Our options are: (1) use a software product that hasn't been improved
or even touched for 2 years [OL 2001] which I can't even get to work
in 10.3/9.22; or (2) use one of two very nice software packages [Mail
and Entourage] that can only handle email and limited address or
calendar functionality with an Exchange server.

Tomorrow my customer organization with whom I work as a consultant is
delivering a Windows laptop so I can actually work with their

After spending over $4K on a new dual-processor PowerPC G4 less than a
year ago, and seeing how capable Entourage is and could easily be, you
can now taste the "shame" of my leaving the Window's fold.

David Bogie

The new OS10.3 version of Apple's Mail has hooks that feed directly
into Exchange Services. It's cool but not all-inclusive; iCal, for
instance, cannot use Exhcnage Services. I can proces all of my
enterprise email through Apple's Mail with full use of Exchange public
folders and Mail's ultrgroovy Junk filtering.

There are still reasons to loathe MS:
Since upgrading to Panther, my MSOffice suite refuses to run, claiming
there is another version of my same serial number running. However, I
have installed our coroporate version that is licensed for unlimited

david boise ID

Diane Ross

Since upgrading to Panther, my MSOffice suite refuses to run, claiming
there is another version of my same serial number running. However, I
have installed our coroporate version that is licensed for unlimited

You might find an answer here: <www.microsoft.com/licensing>

I don't use in a corporate environment and can't offer a solution. I do
suggest you post again with a subject that reflects your problem.

You also might want to post on the Entourage talk list. There is a wide user
base there.

List-Subscribe: <mailto:[email protected]>

List-Digest: <mailto:[email protected]>


So because Microsoft makes the only Office app worth using for a platform
that only has about 3% market share and it's not that great it's Microsoft's

Get a real computer.

Scott McDonald
David Bogie said:
The new OS10.3 version of Apple's Mail has hooks that feed directly
into Exchange Services. It's cool but not all-inclusive; iCal, for
instance, cannot use Exhcnage Services. I can proces all of my
enterprise email through Apple's Mail with full use of Exchange public
folders and Mail's ultrgroovy Junk filtering.

There are still reasons to loathe MS:
Since upgrading to Panther, my MSOffice suite refuses to run, claiming
there is another version of my same serial number running. However, I
have installed our coroporate version that is licensed for unlimited

david boise ID

(e-mail address removed) (John Eldredge) wrote in message
Back in the mid-90's, I had to switch from my MAC to a PC because
co-workers and folks outside my company got tired of saving WORD and
EXCEL documents two and three versions back in order to work with me.
This problem was eventually fixed at Microsoft's convenience, but I
had already had to switch.

A year ago, I switched back to a MAC after my new Dell needed three
new hard drives in two years. But the new trick now is that many
larger customers use Exchange servers to coordinate email, colanders,
address books, projects, public files, et al.

So this leaves MAC users disenfranchised for the foreseeable future.

Our options are: (1) use a software product that hasn't been improved
or even touched for 2 years [OL 2001] which I can't even get to work
in 10.3/9.22; or (2) use one of two very nice software packages [Mail
and Entourage] that can only handle email and limited address or
calendar functionality with an Exchange server.

Tomorrow my customer organization with whom I work as a consultant is
delivering a Windows laptop so I can actually work with their

After spending over $4K on a new dual-processor PowerPC G4 less than a
year ago, and seeing how capable Entourage is and could easily be, you
can now taste the "shame" of my leaving the Window's fold.


And said:
So because Microsoft makes the only Office app worth using for a platform
that only has about 3% market share and it's not that great it's Microsoft's



Sent using the Entourage X Test Drive.


Well I suppose they should stop producing software for Macs so you could
appreciate it and not take it for granted. I've seen the alternatives,
they're quite archaic.

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