White Font Problem




I recently opened up an excel spreadsheet and noticed that the fonts
on the spreadsheet tabs are all white instead of black. So I can't
tell which spreadsheet is which now. I don't rememeber changing any of
the excel preferences. Any suggestions anyone?


Harvey Waxman

Jim Gordon said:

If you have not installed the 10.1.2 update for Excel X, please do. I
haven't seen the problem since I updated.

I had all the updates and in my case it turned out to be a corrupted file.

The way I determined this was I created a new workbook immediately after
starting Excel. All the sheets were ok even the so called bad file.

But if I opened the 'bad' file first, then all subsequent files demonstrated
the 'invisible' sheet names. They appeared only when double clicked so it must
have been that they were white in color.

I copied the contents of the offending file to a fresh workbook, deleted the
original and everything was and has remained fine.

I have no idea what damaged the original file.

Perhaps this might help you too.


Harvey Waxman
Harvey Products makers of Dinghy Dogs(TM)
The Boater's Best Friend

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