Why bother securing?


Rick Brandt

JZ said:

Well this is my program...


Any suggestions?

Okay, I didn't realize until you posted this that your utility was actually
implementing the ULS the comes with Access. It sounded like just a simple
password checking thing.

I would say that as long as you are confident that your utility doesn't
produce a file that is secured worse than one where the standard ULS steps
were taken that all you might want to do is include a disclaimer indicating
that the built in security "built by Microsoft into Access" is not
completely unbreakable and that your software is only promising that same
protecton with less work.

Chris Mills

I don't see anything controversial about that.
You don't HAVE to make claims about how secure or not ULS is!

Again, I wouldn't know what market there is.



Thanks once more for your comments.

Well there does seem to be a small market as I do get some sales.

My plan for the software, is to provide different levels of security, aimed
at two different user groups. A program developer and an access developer.
Also what I call a database opener, which will save passwords. Also these
features on a context menu.

With the site, I had been advise to sell to business people saying "secure
your payroll database" etc and not mention the technicalities, but I can't
really do that. Unless maybe I add Rick's disclaimer idea perhaps... hmm...

Anything further?

Thanks guys.

Joan Wild

Security has been dropped from the next version of Access; that may impact
your decision.


Yeah, I'm aware of that.
I mentioned at the start of this thread.

The way I look at it, MS Access will still be in use for at least a couple
of years after vista.
Theres plenty of people just upgrading to XP now.
Besides people do buy my program, so there is a market.
I figure I can get my changes done quite quickly.

Thanks Joan.

Brendan Reynolds

There are lots of Access 97 and even Access 2 solutions still going strong
out there. I read in a magazine article recently that there are an estimated
70 million users of Windows 98 world-wide. So your utility would probably
continue to be of use to some people for quite some time to come.

Of course, people who are still running Access 2 or Access 97 on Windows 98
are probably, for the most part, people who don't spend a lot of money on
computer software. So this may not be a very profitable market niche to
pursue! :-/

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