Word 2000 Documents Crash in Word 2003


Mae Harrison

Good Morning,

In the process of exploring Word 2003, we have discovered that many of the
original documents created in Word 2000 crash in Word 2003 when being saved,
opened, and /or generally edited.

I have opened a ticket with Microsoft and have yet to receive a resolution.
The issue is repeatable on command so should be solvable. We have narrowed
the issue down to a corruption in the styles of the original documents.

However, using the Open and Repair feature does not solve the issue, BUT the
"recovery" process of Word 2003 fixes each document but takes forever to
execute. The same documents may be opened in Word 2000 with no problem.
But, when opened in Word 2003, the issue occurs immediately.

Would anyone be able to shed some light on this topic?

You will then be my hero for today.

Many thanks in advance for your responses.


Terry Farrell

Try the following procedure. Use Open & Repair to open the document in Word
2003. Use SaveAs and choose XML format. Close the document, reopen it and
use SaveAs and choose DOC format.

Mae Harrison

Hi Terry,

Thank you for your reply! I tried the steps and the document saved into XML
perfectly fine without any crashes. However, as I re-opened the saved .xml
file...Word 2003 crashed immediately as the document opened.


Any more thoughts would be greatly appreciated...:)



Terry Farrell

Really weird. Would you see if you can send a sample as an attachment to my
email address please. terryfarrellATmsnDOTcom


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