Word 2004: too many files open


Dr Q


Just this week, in fact last two days, I have started getting a "too
many files open error message". Problem is it happens when I have only
file open or at least I can only see one file open.

Using Word 11.3.8 with Mac OS X 10.4.11 on intel based Mac Book pro
wiht 2GB of ram.

Any ideas what might be happening? I was wondering if it was something
in the latest office update? I have not encountered this message with
my setup ever before and I upgraded the ram back in November 2007.

Thanks for the help.


What you need to know/do is here - start at the bottom of the page as
suggested in the first paragraph:


However, my first line of thought (FWIW) would be to:

Get Office up-to-date - according to your post you "may" be 3 updates
behind. If you haven't applied 11.3.9, 11.4.0 & 11.4.1 you should do that
first - About Word will still indicate 11.3.8 though. You can check the
Updater Logs folder in your Office 2004 folder if you aren't certain where
you stand. Repair permissions followed by a restart.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Dr Q

What you need to know/do is here - start at the bottom of the page as
suggested in the first paragraph:


However, my first line of thought (FWIW) would be to:

Get Office up-to-date - according to your post you "may" be 3 updates
behind. If you haven't applied 11.3.9, 11.4.0 & 11.4.1 you should do that
first - About Word will still indicate 11.3.8 though. You can check the
Updater Logs folder in your Office 2004 folder if you aren't certain where
you stand. Repair permissions followed by a restart.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Thanks for the Tip. My office is up to date. (I checked for new
updates prior to posting).

Checking the UID, my user ID was/is using 501. However, that
apparently was not the reason. My problem it seemed was that I had
logged into the servers using the admin login rather than my user
login. We run a Snap Fileserver and each local user has their own
login. Apparently using the admin login rather than the local user
login seemed to cause Word 2004 issues.

Now i only need to resolve my excel issues...but that is a posting for
another group and time.

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