Word hangs when trying to print



Well, this is a beaut. I'm using a loaner machine with Word 2003
(11.8026.8036) SP2, and wonder of wonders, it hangs every. single. time I
try to print. Using a networked printer, MS networking, Brother HL-1470N if
that matters. I never had this problem with my machine and the same printer,
which also has Office 2004, but not sure about the SP version and so on.

Anyone seen this before, or better yet, have a fix?


I suggest that you make sure that you have the latest printer driver and
then delete and reinstall the printer before trying anything else.


I suggest that you make sure that you have the latest printer driver and
then delete and reinstall the printer before trying anything else.

thanks, Terry -- I did that -- got it off the Brother website. I'm willing
to believe there's something screwed up with the printer somehow, though -- I
ran into a problem with Quicken that was also related to the printer, and
that didn't go away until I deleted the printer (I just reinstalled it this
AM). Maybe Brother's just got a buggy driver, but if so, it's the best
they've got. I'll try their site again to see if there's a fix in a
non-obvious place.


You may be able to get away with using a basic PCL driver such as the
LaserJet4 driver.


garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Your antivirus program could be blocking Word from accessing the
network printer. For example, quoting from the Norton Internet
Security 2005 manual:

Q: Why can’t I print to a shared printer or connect to a computer
on my local network?
A: Norton Internet Security blocks the use of Microsoft
networking to prevent someone from connecting to your computer
over the Internet. To allow the use of your local network,
including file and printer sharing, place the computers on your
local network in the Trusted Zone.

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