Word X Menu chaos


Robert Parker

Two big menu problems, but first another and smaller problem that
leads into them: In the past, the 3 little buttons on the top left of
a document window (the red close window button, the amber minimize
window button, & the green resize window button) have always appeared
adjacent to (under, vertically speaking) the standard toolbar (which
is accessible through the View menu), where they are easy to reach.
Suddenly today, that changed, & the buttons are covered up by the
standard toolbar, so that I can't get to them unless I first move the
whole window, which is a real pain.

Somehow, while I was playing around trying to fix that, I accidentally
removed View from the menu, & I can't find how to put it back in.
Then, while I was trying to fix both these problems, the Tools option
on the menu started to bring up the Fonts list, just like the Fonts
option, except under Tools instead of under Fonts. (The Fonts option
continues to bring up the Fonts list as well.) All the Tools commands
have therefore disappeared. I think this Tools & Fonts confusion may
have happened before, but it always went away if I closed Word &
reopened it. This time, that doesn't work. I tried reinstalling, but
it won't reinstall because it says that Office & Word X are already

So now I have no access to the Views menu & no access to the Tools
menu. In short, I have a mess, & any help would be greatly

Beth Rosengard

Hi Robert,

Let's work on your menus problem first. Go to Tools> Customize> Toolbars
tab. Be sure that Menu Bar is selected (it should be by default). Click
reset. Does that do it?

If not, try testing your Normal template and Preferences as follows:

1) Quit Word and navigate to your Normal template which should be in
/Applications/Microsoft Office X/Templates/. Rename Normal to something else
(like OldNormal), then relaunch Word. If this fixes the problem but you
have customizations, etc, in OldNormal that you want to maintain, you can
use Organizer to transfer those from OldNormal to the newly-created Normal
template. Then you can trash the old renamed file. To learn how to use
Organizer, see here (use IE, not Safari to access this site):

If this doesn't fix the problem, quit Word again, trash the new Normal and
rename OldNormal back to Normal.

2) To test your Preference files, quit *all* Office Applications.
Navigate to your ~/library/preferences/Microsoft folder. Rename the
Microsoft Component Preferences, Word Settings (10), and Microsoft Office
Settings (10) files. When you restart Word, these files will be recreated.
If all is well, you can trash the old files. You will have to reset some
Preferences and AutoCorrect settings.

If this doesn't help, you can trash the new files and rename the old ones

As for your undocked document window ... Is your Office fully updated? If
not, download (<http://www.microsoft.com/mac/download/>) and install the
Office 10.1.2 updater (hold off on 10.1.4 until you have these problems
solved and install it afterwards). However, testing your Preferences and
Normal template should have fixed this but, if not, post back.

Finally, before reinstalling Office X you *must* first do a removal (using
the removal tool from the CD). This is the only way to ensure that corrupt
files will be removed and that all reinstalled files end up exactly where
they're supposed to be.

Hope this helps.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/WordMac/index.html>
Entourage Help Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/toc.html>

Jim Gordon

Hi Robert,

Beth's method of resetting the toolbar should take care of that problem.

The problem of documents getting under the menu or toolbars was largely
fixed in the 10.1.2 service release. If you have not already installed the
update, please do that followed by using Disk Utility First Aid to repair

-Jim Gordon

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