Works Word Problems, can I remove Office SP2?



After installing Microsoft Office Front Page 2003 and Office SP2, my
Microsoft Works Word Processor, Version 6, will not open any of my documents.
It doesn't seem to recognize the .wps extension. Windows Task Manager
indicates "not responding." I opened the document Properties window and tried
the "open with" procedure but no success.

I don't have the Microsoft Office Suite, only Front Page 2003 installed,
which is working just fine.

Microsoft's documentation regarding Office SP2 says you can't remove it
unless you uninstall Microsoft Office Suite, which I don't have. If I remove
Office Front Page will it remove SP2? Will I create more problems? Can I use
Office Front Page 2003 without SP2?

PS, I saw a post about cross-posting...guess I'm guilty. I'm new to this
forum and didn't find this thread earlier.



Hi Susan, I tried to re-install Works with the Control Panel Add/Remove
program -- Change --> Basic, then Reinstall, then Basic again and there was
no change with either mode. I have a Compaq computer; the first disk they
indicate to use will format the hard drive according to what's written on it.
So I haven't tried any of the unit's recovery disks.

If I delete Works with the Add/Remove program can I still reinstall it with
existing files on the computer? Or is everything completely erased?


Update: I went to System Informaton, Software Environmemt, Windows Error
Reporting and found this entry for each time the Works Word problem occurred:

Application Hang Hanging Applicaton WksWP.exe, version 6.0.1828.1, hang
module hungapp, version, hang address 0x0000000.

I don't know how to interpret this, except it hangs up, of course which is
the problem.

Susan Ramlet

I don't know Works very well, so you may want to post to a Works
newsgroup...but when you re-install it, do you have the option of
uninstalling or re-installing just the Word component?


Suzan, I realized I should have posted my answer to this forum instead of an

My Microsoft Works Word wouldn't open documents after installing Office SP2.
I accidentally "fixed' the problem when doing the following:

I was backing up documents to my CD.
On a hunch I clicked on a transferred document on the CD and to my surprise
Works Word opened it.
Then I went to my C:\ documents and clicked on a document. It also opened.
Then I opened Works Word independently and with Files:Open was able to open
a document.

I don't know what happened, but it works now. Thanks for your concern
regarding the problem.


Is your computer still fixed by this method or did you have to try something
else. I am having same problem however reloading office did not stop the
problem. I backed up files to a CD as well. Every fix I have tried has
just been temporary. Cannot operate any MS office program since I downloaded
SP2 as long as I am connected to the internet. If I work offline things are
fine, but my job depends on the connection. Deleted updates by uninstalling
Office and reinstalling. No help.


My computer is working fine now. As I stated, after copying Works Word files
to a CD and then clicking on a file on a hunch suddenly Works Word worked
fine. Since then I have converted all my Works Word files to open with
Microsoft Word. Another post responder told me how to do it: In Control
Panel, click on the Folders Icon. Click on the File Types tab, go to DOC
(Microsoft Word Document) entry and highlight it. Below, you will see Details
for "DOC" extension; click on the Change button and select Microsoft Office
Word, then OK button.

Then go down to the WPS file type and do the same thing, selecting "open
with" Microsoft Office Word.

Having done this all my documents open with Microsoft Word.
You may want to go to Community Newsgroups, Office, Office Updates and pose
your question if the SP2 Update itself causes your problem. Hope this helps


Sorry, I forgot to add another procedure I made prior to the steps done
above. I went to Start, All Programs, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office
Tools and ran the Microsoft Office Recovery option. A contributor later
stated I could have done the same by going to Start | Run prompt and entering
" winword /r." Hope this works.

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