Blank combo box



I don't know if anyone has an answer for this?
I built a combo box to feed from a table in a test DB. It works fine. I
copied it over to the live DB with all tables etc exactly the same. In the
live DB the combo box when you click on the drop down arrow they are blank.
But, if you click on the blank field it autofills the others as it's supposed
to from an event procedure that was entered. Any idea's why the fields in
the box show blank but if you click on it, it still autofills. I have looked
at the font and yes it is black not white.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

John Spencer

Some things to try:

Check the number of columns property and make sure it matches the number of
column that are supposed to be in the combobox.

Check the query that the combobox is using? does it return the expected
results with no errors?

Rebuild the combobox or reimport the combobox

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County


Thank you, I found out the problem. When copying over the form it added a @
in the format field for all the fields in the table. Once they were removed
all is fine.

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