Calculation Refresh / Update Problem in MS Pro. 2002




I'm having trouble using some of the options in the tools-->Options,
Calculation tab on Microsoft Project Professional 2002 (connected to
MS Project Server 2002). The options are:

a) Move end of completed parts after status date back to status date
b) Move start of remaining parts before status date forward to status

I also have enabled the Automatic Calculation mode and made sure that
the project status date is correctly specified and displayed in the
Gantt Chart.

The major issue regarding these options is:

When I enable a) and b) on a project (that has over 1000 tasks), MS
Project doesn't automatically move the tasks as described on a) and
b). It only moves the tasks if I change the % complete field. This
would be ok if the project had few tasks but it's an incredibly time
consuming procedure because not only it has thousands of tasks but
because MS Project has a very low performance when anything is changed
in the schedule of a project that has so many tasks. Is there any way
to force MS Project to apply the a) and b) rules without having to
change the %complete field of every task on the project?

This problem also affects tasks that are late and have 0% complete. MS
Project should move these tasks forward to status date, so the status
date would become the start date of the task.

I think MS Project should refresh / update all the tasks moving them
forward or back to status date without having to change the %complete
field for all of the tasks. If this is a "feature" of the product and
not a bug, Microsoft surely made it almost impossible to use these
options on projects that didn't enable these features since the very
beginning of project planning.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Gérard Ducouret

Hello LFM,

<<It only moves the tasks if I change the % complete field. >>

I think it's a good option from MS Project designers ! What would you say if
Project rescheduled all the tasks on which you had no time to enter the new
progress data ?

<<Project should move these tasks forward to status date, so the status date
would become the start date of the task>>

Project can do that if you ask it :

Tools / Tracking / Update project / Reschedule uncompleted work to start
after... Status date

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret

Mike Glen


Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Your a and b work when you update your project - Tools/Tracking/Update
project... and cheek "Reschedule uncompleted work to start after...."

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Mike and Gerard,

your comments were very helpful. I managed to get the results I was
hoping for. I actually didn't notice that option on the
project" menu.

Thank you very much for your speedy answers.

Kind Regards,


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