Creating a conditional equation to reject a form



Good afternoon,
I am new to InfoPath and have a question on how to create a conditional
statement/equation (terminology?) so that a form will be rejected when
submitted. I want a form to be rejected at submission when "today's date" is
WITHIN 3 days from another specified date on the form OR the same day
("today's date").

EXAMPLE: If today were 1/23/2009 and another specified date on the form said
1/25/2009 (within 3 days), then I would want the form to be rejected when the
user tries to submit it (and display a message to the user stating why). If
the specified date were 1/28/2009, then I would want the form to be submitted
as intended.

Thank you for your time!



Good afternoon,
I am new to InfoPath and have a question on how to create a conditional
statement/equation (terminology?) so that a form will be rejected when
submitted. I want a form to be rejected at submission when "today's date"is
WITHIN 3 days from another specified date on the form OR the same day
("today's date").

EXAMPLE: If today were 1/23/2009 and another specified date on the form said
1/25/2009 (within 3 days), then I would want the form to be rejected whenthe
user tries to submit it (and display a message to the user stating why). If
the specified date were 1/28/2009, then I would want the form to be submitted
as intended.

Thank you for your time!


I usally set up a My: Formulas group and add fields that will capture
information. You could set up a date field (or two to capture +3 or
-3 days) and use the addDays function to capture your date limites
example..... addDays(@YourDateField, -3). You can either add data
valadation on YourDateField that prevent the form from being submitted
or you can hide the submit based on a rule comparing the new formula
date value against @YourDateField.

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