Custom View/Filter - Please Help!





Really hoping someone can help me with this because I have been looking for
answer without any success so far.

I have a large project where all my task dependancies are finish - start.
(Obviously some tasks have no dependacies at all).

I want to see what tasks my project resources can work on presently. This
does not necessarily = all open tasks as I dont want to see tasks which they
cant work on due to the fact that there are related predecessors/dependancies
still open.

To summarise I would like to see (using a filter or VBA)

1. All open tasks without any predecessors &
2. All open tasks with related predecessors/dependancies that are themselves
completed. Ie if task 5 as a predecessor of task 4 (finish start) and task 4
is 100% completed then I would like to see task 5. But if task 4 has only 80%
then I dont want to see task 5 (as task 5 cant be started yet).

My understanding is that this cant be done via a filter but that VBA will be
required :-(

Eagerly awaiting your responses - Regards Charles

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