Dumb question...........


JL Amerson

Would someone please define "ripping" to me? I've seen it used and it sounds
like it's something just prior to printing but I'm unfamiliar with the term.


ripping is the process where data in one form is converted to a different

ripping a cd track to mpg, for instance.

a laser printer includes a rip to change the data sent to it to locations
for applying specs of toner.

in prepress-speak, the rip takes in postscript language files, interprets
them, and rewrites them in whatever format the output device wants to see.
commonly this is a 1-bit bitmap format that represents the pattern drawn by
the the laser onto the film or plate.

Budget Print Center

I think rip stands for "raster image processing" someone please correct me
if I am wrong.


correct...but the term has become broader in scope since raster image
processor was originated.

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