Embedding images in an Outlook message


Johannes Götz

Hi everybody !!

I'm automating Outlook in order to create HTML mails with embedded images.

I'm doing it like this:
- create new mail-itm
- set body-format to HTML
- set HTML-body (with absolute path reference to the images)
- display the mail and close it (with saving)

Normally the save process manages to embed the images. But sometimes it does
not work.

With Word as the message inspector it is possible to embed the images
myself. I'm running through the worddocument while setting the
SavePictureWithDocument property of all Fields, InlineShapes and Shapes to
true and it works perfectly (but that procedure produces that annoying
security warning).

But I need a save way to embed images when the message inspector is the
standard HTML editor of outlook. When adding attachments to the message it
is possible to mark them as embedded and not visible for the user. But in
order to address those attachments within the IMG HTML tag i need the
corresponding CID. But I don't know where I get those informations from..

If somebody knows a complete different way to create HTML mails with
embedded images... Let me know please :)
(I've also tried to import a with the .Net Framework created MIME message to
Outlook ... no way)

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