error running after installing MS Professional Projects 2003



I installed MS Professional Project 2003 with no errors.
When I run the program I am getting the following pop-up all the time.

Microsoft Project can't load Speech Recognition files.
This feature is not currently installed. Would you like to install it now?

Tried Option 1 - I selected Yes
Got installation error. It is looking for installation file YC561403.CAB
This file does not exist on the CD ( but YA561403.CAB exists )
Therefore not able to complete the installation.

Tried Option 2 - I selected No
With this option, everytime I do something in Projects, the Pop-Up keeps
appearing all the time asking whether I want to install the Speech
Recognition files.

Help - how do I resolve this? Where can I find the YC561403.CAB file ? Or
how do I stop the pop-up from showing if I do not install the file ?

Thanks for any help.


Hi needhelp,

To uninstall the Speech Recognition references and stop the pop-up in

If you are using the Windows XP operating system:
Start > Control Panel
Regional and Language Options
Click the Languages Tab
Click the Details button.
On the Settings tab in Text Services and Input Languages dialog box.
Under installed services, click the Speech and recognition
Click Remove.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.



Hi Julie,
Thanks for the info. I am assuming that it disables Speech Recognition for
the entire OS and not just MS Project. Which is OK for now as I am not using
Speech Recognition features. MS Project now no longer shows those pop-up msg.


Gordon Wong

I had the same problem. In the end I had to download the following thre
(3) cab files fro to complete th
installation process.

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