Excel 2004 crashes on quit (Mac-Mini/Tiger)



I have a client who I just changed over from OS 9 to several Intel Duo
Mac-mini's runing Tiger.

They have a problem where Excel crashes on quit. A user quits Excel but
the menu doesn't go away and won't respond. This is Office 2004 with
the 11.2.3 uodate installed. Brand new everything.

One thing to note is that they are using the Mac OS International
Keyboard switching feature to toggle between Japanese and English. No
special features other than that. I also ported over docs from their OS
9 machines. There are no macros running at all.

Any ideas?




Hi Jim, I have the exact same problem. Did you ever find a solution? I
don't have any international settings, but I do have some OpenType
fonts installed. These have caused lots of issues in Word.



What exact version of OS 10.4.x are you running? Is it 10.4.5 or
greater? If not, do the problems go away if you update to the latest?
(currently 10.4.6)

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