Frontpage screen size




I'd like to add a jpeg as a background but Frontpage will
not stretch the image to fit the page. Can someone tell
what the size of the internet screen is so I can resize
my image manually?


Stefan B Rusynko

It depends on the user's screen resolution
- you can't control it
- that's the way html background images work
Worse case it could be as large as 1600x1200 or as small a less than 640x480

| Hi,
| I'd like to add a jpeg as a background but Frontpage will
| not stretch the image to fit the page. Can someone tell
| what the size of the internet screen is so I can resize
| my image manually?
| Cheers,
| D

Michael B

I think the actual screen resolution for a 800X600 resolution screen is 760X420. But don't take my word for it because I am having a resolution issue myself. Hopefully you'll see my post and have an idea for me

Stefan B Rusynko

See response below

| I think the actual screen resolution for a 800X600 resolution screen is 760X420. But don't take my word for it because I am
having a resolution issue myself. Hopefully you'll see my post and have an idea for me

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