Ganttchart bar style format update


Chris Caerts

How can I enforce an update of the bar styles (e.g. show
split task style when a task was split) without having
to 'calculate'

(I turned automatic calculate off because I don't like the
way it updates my tasks ; I wrote my own simple
scheduler ; however whenever I split tasks, I cannot
visualise this in the Gantt Chart view unless I do a

Mike Glen

Hi Chris,

Welcome to the Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You can't. My mind boggles on what you could possibly dislike about the
calculate function. That what Project does - calculates Start and Finish
dates from the predecessor link and the Duration to tell you what is
possible. If you don't calculate, you're really saying to Project "this is
what I want, produce a good picture" I would use Excel or a drawing package
for that function..

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Mike and all,

And you thought I was the most original Belgian around... :)
It's like having electricity installed and use a candle to light the house

Now one for Chris (but I'll write it in Dutch so most other people won't
come to curious ideas)

De oplossing is eenvoudig.
Voorzie al je taken van een constraint "Must Start On"
Gebruik dan calculation, het zal niets meer verplaatsen.


Jna De Messemaeker, Project MVP

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