how to size a pcture inserted via automation




I am relatively new to Word automation, so forgive me if this is a real
newbie question. I am automating Word 2007 to create a report with data
generated by my main application, which controls a clinical device. The data
is simple: a few lines of text, and 1-3 bitmap images. The approach I have
taken is to create a .DOT file containing bokmarks where I want the elements
inserted; load the template and fill it with data; save it as a .DOC file.
This is working as expected, except that I would like to be able to specify
the size of the area into which the images are inserted. That is, I would
like to draw/specify some sort of frame/rectangle, and have the image shrink
or stretch to fit the area specified. As it is, using Ranges, the images
appear in their native dimensions.

I have tried several things that *haven't* worked. I'm not even sure if I
should be using bookmarks for this sort of thing--maybe frames instead? Or,
cells in a table? I'm not looking for someone to solve this for me, but if
someone with more experience could advise me on a good approach, I'd be

Phil Coveney

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