Import Word form, error related to number field blank


Jake F

I have a Word form that is imported into Access. There are several text
boxes in the form that are set as number format with 1 max length. The
fields in the Access table are single number and not required.
If any of the text boxes in the form are left blank I get a type mismatch
error -2147352571. I can default them 0 but that leaves possible confusion
for the users or possible run some code to fill them in before I import,
however I'm checking here if there is a simple fix I'm not aware of. I used
the same code to pull the number text boxes as memo,text, and check boxes
that are in the form.

rs.Open "tblFormData", cn, _
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

With rs
!Posn_1 = doc.FormFields("Posn_1").Result

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