In Word 2007 I get "Microsoft Office Word has stopped working"



I get "Microsoft Office Word has stopped working" when I close Word and then
I get "Microsoft Office Word is trying to recover your information", then I
get the 'program is restarting'. then I close the program again and go
through the same messages until I get the program has stopped. Could you
please direct me to what files I need to uncorrupt?

Thom Stark

I'm having the exact same problem. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Word, and then uninstalling and reinstalling Office. It didn't help. I still get this error every time I try to exit Word 2007. Anybody know how to fix? - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

Thom Stark

I had this problem and found this fix on Microsoft's website.

1. Open up Regedit. (Go to Start and type "regedit" in the search field and press enter.)

2. In Regedit navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Data

3. Right mouse click on the "Data" folder and delete it.

4. Open up Word, close it, and voila, problem solved. - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Answer to what? By changing the subject line and failing to quote any of the
original question, you have ensured that many readers will have no idea what
you're talking about.

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