Lots of programmes in to one project



Hi guys,

Been looking the forum but cant find an answer. I am really stuck.

I have a number of projects or programs as individual files. I want to
put them into one MS project document.

The problem I am getting when "insert project" is used is that dates
are changing around, obviously I want fixed dates.

Is there any way to merge all the programs in to one file / document
without anything changing?

I expect I am just not using the software correctly.

Thank you.


Hi luton_dan,

Simply combining project files without linking between the files
shouldn't be changing dates. Are you inserting the project files
within each other?

Can you give us a bit more information about specifically what dates
are changing and how you are combining the files?

Also, what version of Project, including service pack info, please.



Thanks guys, with your combined help I have managed to solve my problem
It was to do with inserting into a subtask, which obviously I should no

Thanks again


You're welcome luton_dan. You may also want to ensure that the
option "Autolink inserted or moved tasks" on the Schedule tab of the
Tools > Options dialog box is disabled (unchecked). When enabled if
you insert a task between two tasks linked in a F to S relationship,
it will automatically link the inserted task in the chain. That may
also have been contributing to the date change issue you were


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