MS Word file to Database?



I have a microsoft word document that I use for work orders. At the
present time I print it off, then hand write the work order. I realize
this is an analog way of doing things, so I'm trying to convert the
word file over to a database. I'm unsure of quite a few things, first
of all is what tables to set up. Basically on the work order there is
a WO#, Date, Customer Info (Name, Phone numbers, address), Description
of the problem, A Section for any parts that are needed, and Services
performed. One customer may have many work orders. I'm assuming
having tables for Customer Info, Parts, and Work Orders (prob
description, services performed) would be the best way to go??
Basically at the end of the day I want to be able to search for a
customer name or phone number and see all the work orders they've had.

As far as the form goes, is there an easy way to use the word document
as the form? It would need to automatically generate a new WO# for
each new work order.

I can send the word document if it helps to have a visual.

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