My Exchange Agenda gone in Entourage 2008



Hi, I don't know why but my agenda is gone. I sync with an exchange 2007 server. I had it before. If I'm logging onto webmail of exchange, I can see my agenda; But for some reason I can't find it in Entourage anymore. At the entry for my agenda, just standing nothing and showing the folder stucture of my mailbox. I did already trow away the acount settings and fully resynced. Did compress and verify of database. But none solved the issue. Any ideas?

William Smith

Hi, I don't know why but my agenda is gone. I sync with an exchange
2007 server. I had it before. If I'm logging onto webmail of exchange, I
can see my agenda; But for some reason I can't find it in Entourage
anymore. At the entry for my agenda, just standing nothing and showing
the folder stucture of my mailbox. I did already trow away the acount
settings and fully resynced. Did compress and verify of database. But
none solved the issue. Any ideas?

Hi Jansst!

Do you mean your calendar? Are you making sure to look at your Exchange
calendar and not your local (On My Computer) calendar?



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>


Jep I'm sure. On my Calendar window I've three main folders. 1 of the calendar views, 1 for Local folders on my calendar. In that one I've an item Agenda. When I click on that one. I see an empty calendar. That's normal. The third is Janssst. My account on the exchange server. There I don't have items. Even not an agenda one, just nothing. So I don't see an empty agenda. thanks for the reply anyway. Janssst


Good news. I found him back. It is standing in the deleted Items folder. Propably I did something wrong. but now is the question, how do I get it standing back in the correct location. Tried already cut and paste and restore option. But that didn't help.



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