pictures and word text not showing up in publisher


D. Traver

Neither images or word art are showing up in Publisher at all. The images in
the document are embedded, and I've even tried to create a new document with
Microsoft's own graphics but NOTHING shows up. It works fine on my laptop but
not my desktop, which I have never used the program on before. This is not
for the web, simply trying to get it to show up right in Publisher!

D. Traver

I have Googled! Of course.... All I'm finding are answers that talk about
images not showing up in webpages. This is NOT for a webpage and I've
exhausted my own resource and ways I can frame the keywords and questions.
I'm not a newbie at this stuff.

Terje M

You have of course inserted text in text frames, in inserted the pictures?
But the page is still white as snow!
1. Be sure that View/pictures/Detailed is on/selected.
2. Try deaccellerating your graphics card (right click on
desktop/preferences aso.....).

Regards Terje

D. Traver

Thank you very much for your civilized reply. :) Yes, I even checked the
View/Pictures/Detailed again and again to make sure. I have a 256 mb Radeon
video cart (brand new computer) but still lowered the acceleration to try
your suggestion, but it didn't work either. I'm baffled, and I've worked on
these programs for years. The thumbnails are showing up in the graphics
manager and the boxes are on the page, but just white space shows up.
HOWEVER, a very strange happened. Part of the images showed up for an instant
and disappeared again. I tried even lowering the acceleration further, but it
didn't make any difference or even give me the instant look at the images.
Thanks for your help.

Mary Sauer

In addition to Terje's reply, right-click the desktop, properties, settings tab,
advanced button, troubleshoot tab, slide the acceleration down a couple of notches.
If this procedure solves your issue, you need to upgrade your video driver, go to the
manufacturer's web site of your graphics card and look around.

D. Traver

"Yes" to your other questions. I can open the document on another computer,
and the images are all embedded and show up as thumbnails.


Google is YOUR friend, your only friend I would think. Does Publisher run on
a Mac, Miss P.T.?

Terje M

Next try!

Look for an updated video driver.
Although your computer is new, it may have an older driver routine, or even
a Windows generic driver.
Publisher is known to be quite tricky on the drivers.

You could also try to send the file to me (if its not beyond 20 MB) e-mail
terje(at)modellfly(dot)info, and I could have a look.
Its 21:30 in the evening here in Norway, so I could not guarantee to do it

Also try to see if that offers any help.

And, as one of the replies you got was a bit uncivilized, that happens from
time to time from a couple of people on this newsgroup.
You should simply ignore those answers, although it is correct as said that
these questions have been raised a number of times, and given the same
answers I give you now.

Regards Terje

D. Traver

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Even though I had updated my ATI's driver
when I got it one month ago, I found a new one, and it did the work!! I am so
relieved and thank you for the time and willingness to help out. Have a
wonderful new year.

D. Traver

Thank you as well. I had updated the video card drive a mere month ago but
did indeed find a newer one and installed it. Now the images are coming up
beautifully. Thank you again.


Oh, yes. Already someone called Jim is dogging her footsteps. Also, as in
the MS groups, she finds someone to suck up to. Here it was the MVPs.

She finds Mac users more intelligent than "PeeCee" users and regrets her
time on the "dark side." How long do you think it will last?

I also get a laugh from her 20 years as a computer expert. That would mean
she started at 9 or 10. I think a little fantasy has crept in.

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