Progression bar



Hi Guys,

I have a process that take a while running about 30 minutes, What I want is
to create something like a progression bar to tell people that the program
is running, what is the program doing and how much left to finish the process.

Any help will be appreciated.


Stefan Hoffmann

I have a process that take a while running about 30 minutes, What I want is
to create something like a progression bar to tell people that the program
is running, what is the program doing and how much left to finish the process.
I would use a form with at least one lable, e.g.

Public Property Let ProgressMessage(AValue As String)

yourLabel.Caption = AValue

End Property

Then you can use it in your long running code as:

Forms("yourForm").ProgressMessage = "doing something..."
'your code here
Forms("yourForm").ProgressMessage = "doing something else..."
'your other code here.

Otherwise you may use the SysCmdMeter with an recordset loop:

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tableOrQueryOrSQL")
If Not rs.Bof And Not rs.Eof Then
SysCmd acSysCmdInitMeter, "Lengthy operation in progress...", 100
rs.MoveLast ' Ensure to get the correct record count.
Do While Not rs.Eof
SysCmd acSysCmdUpdateMeter, rs.PercentPosition
'do something complicated with the current record.
SysCmd acSysCmdRemoveMeter
End If
Set rs = Nothing

--> stefan <--

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