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Word 2007

In Word 2007 when saving files under the file name box I used to get a drop
down box with all the file names in the folder begining with the first letter
you type, as you continue to type the number of files in the drop down box
decreases until you are left with file with a conflict, you can then adjust
the folder name so that ther is no conflict. For some reason this option has
stopped working and it has been replaced by the old pop up box with three
options (rename, save and cancel). The drop down box is very useful and saves
time when you have large folders with similar file names. How do you get back
the drop down box?

Gary Goldberg

Word 2007 said:
In Word 2007 when saving files under the file name box I used to get a drop
down box with all the file names in the folder begining with the first letter
you type, as you continue to type the number of files in the drop down box
decreases until you are left with file with a conflict, you can then adjust
the folder name so that ther is no conflict. For some reason this option has
stopped working and it has been replaced by the old pop up box with three
options (rename, save and cancel). The drop down box is very useful and saves
time when you have large folders with similar file names. How do you get back
the drop down box?

Uh, this is the Macintosh Word group. If you have Word 2007 you must
have the Windows version

Word 2007

Thanks, got to this forum by web search and just jumped in, thanks for the

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