what is leveled based on day by day setting



Hi all,
When ever i try to publish project from project pro 2003, i encouter an
error in the project pro spooler: The windows user account or user name for
the affected user account conflicts with an existing account on the server.
Then when i go to resource sheet under view, there is another error
saying:The leveled should be based on day by day setting.
Please help me.

Thanks all,

Steve House

The leveling setting - hour by hour, day by day, etc - is telling Project
what the smallest period of overallocation it should pay attention to. IF
resource Joe, who's workday is 8 hours, is booked for 8 hours writing
software on Monday and also booked for a staff meeting from 9 to 10 on
Monday, he is overallocated for 1 hour, scheduled to be in two places at
once. Leveling will delay some of the work. But leveling on a day but day
basis won't help because that means Project won't pay attention to overlaps
less than a full day in length. So you need to switch to an hour by hour
setting. In your case, it sounds like one or more of your resources are
overallocated by a full day or more- you have them double booked and need to
resolve it.

As for the error regarding the user name conflict, you'll be more apt to get
good advice asking in the Server group. It sounds like you're trying to
redefine a user in the project file that has already been defined on the

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