When will hanging indent problem be fixed???



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

Dear Microsoft,

The left margin of hanging indents is a mess. When will this problem be fixed? you know the problem exists, and ha existed for a long time, so when can we expect some results?

Also, please explain to me what I am supposed to tell my clients while you dawdle? "My hanging indents look like hell because of a Microsoft programming bug" doesn't cut it with them.


I am also experiencing this problem. This is a serious issue as it ruins the look of my presentations. Can someone from Microsoft please address this?

frustrated ad account gal

I am also experiencing this problem. My co-workers with the old version of PPT don't understand why I went from having nice, neat slides to messy indented ones.

This is the most basic and critical use of PPT -- to display text nicely aligned.

Please fix it fast!


I've been vexed by this problem too but I guess I may have found a workaround.

The "hanging indent"/"paragraph misalignment" problem, according to another post, only occurs when working on presentations that were not natively created in Office for Mac 2008 (I had never clued into that, but go try it out with a new document - no problem!).

To correct existing presentations, take the following steps.

1. Create a new ppt file.
2. Insert slides from old presentation - choose "insert all slides" - do not import the original formatting.
3. Apply slide theme from a .potx template file.
4. You may need to go through the presentation to apply the slide layout slide by slide.

I guess the key is having an Office for Mac 2008 template ready - this worked for me. Afterwards, I tried using an "identical" 2004 template (.pot) and PPT "hung", using up 99.8% of the CPU.



Looks to me that the new update 12.1.3 released yesterday solved the
hanging indent / spacing problem. At least on my end.

Everyone with the problem should verify that it has indeed been fixed.

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