Why Work at Home



Working from Home

I don't know about you, but the idea of making a living from home always
sounded good to me, but I didn't know how to go about it.
I've heard of people doing it, and some making very good money at it. Just
what are these people doing? What kind of idea did they have? Were they
working for themselves or somebody else?
So I tried various things that were like MLM's that have great products, but
I realize that I am no salesman, and the comfort level of trying to sell to
friends and family was not good for me. So others in the MLM game said
promote through the internet. But they couldn't show me how without it
costing tons of money that I didn't have for mailing lists and other tools.
Plus you get hung with a lot of product. Good stuff that I still use,
I would see a lot of hype from junk e-mails and on the net for all kind of
programs. I even tried a "type-at-home" program that you supposedly could
advertise for companies for free and create income, but what I found was no
support for someone who didn't no what they were doing. If you wanted to
make money, you buy ($$$) into some extra programs that they had that were
supposed to be proven performers. But no guarantee! If you knew the ins and
outs of advertising, you could learn how to make money advertising on the
So I'm at a place putting up some business cards for the work I'm doing now
on a bulletin board at a lake resort, when a guy sitting at an outside
table, drinking a latte, and working on his laptop says, "How's that working
for you"?
I assume he's there using the free Wi-Fi to do his computer work. I said, "I
don't really know. Nobody has ever called me and said they saw my business
card at the lake, but if it puts the awareness in their mind, and the decide
to look up what I do later in the phone book, maybe it works."
He asked me what I did for a living and I told him that I teach martial
arts. And I asked him what he did, and he said he places advertising on the
web. He told me that he lives up at the lake now, and like to come down to
the resort to have coffee and people watch while he works.
The lake where I was at is very expensive to buy property. Think at least a
million bucks just to get a "small" shack type cabin. Our conversation was
just that short. And know I wish I would have stayed and talked to him
longer, but I didn't want to bother his work. But he struck up the
conversation. Now I think maybe he would have shared some knowledge, maybe
even been a mentor. If you want to accomplish something, but don't know how
to go about it, having someone who knows the ropes would be helpful.
So I thought that I would do some research for a while. I can't get the idea
that there are people out there living the kind of life that the guy up at
the lake is living, out of my head. I know that money is not a finite pie.
There is enough out there for everybody. It is created, not taken. This much
I know. Just how to go about it?
I thought the internet had a lot of info. But you really have to sort out
from all the hype, and all the nay-sayers. After some looking there really
are some credible industry insiders that you can find. I was already finding
out that you get what you pay for. (How many times do we need to learn that
But there are some what's called Media Placement programs out there that
have some great endorsements by industry insiders out there. And there are
some that seem like the company and the insiders are one and the same.
So what if I could find something that had a good track record, be
affordable, didn't have to worry about inventory, but most of all would
"really" walk you through everything you needed to know about being a Media
Placement Specialist. I was willing to pay something as long has I got a
reasonable return.
So being willing to give it a try, I looked for the best program I could
find. So I did find a couple of programs that actually mentor you. The costs
are very reasonable for the return possibilities. And there are different
levels and prices you can start with. The best part is that you can do these
programs with absolutely "No Risk" if you are willing to put in a little
time trying. If you do not make back the money you put in, the programs will
reimburse you back the difference of what you made and what you put in.
There is even one I found that will guarantee so much within a 6 month
period. I started my own media placement business,
(FinancialHarmonyOnline.com), a little less than a month ago, and have
already received 2 checks. I can talk to a coach or a mentor every day if I
want to. It does take time to get things set up, but the learning part of
how to go about it is actually fun. I am tired of just getting by, and want
to really experience life while I still can.
If you can find a program with a good track record, no-risk guarantee, and
real support, you have nothing to lose.
If you are willing to make a commitment to yourself, to give it a real
shot, and want a better way of life, try it.
And let's see if we can help each other out with what ever knowledge we
can put together between us. Nobody is going to do it for us, but we can
help ourselves.

Bryan Knack
Secrets to Building Massive Results
Global Cash Flow Network
1-800-719-8268 extension K1264


Douglas J. Steele

FredFred said:
Houskeeping! Please bring a pooper-scooper. A spammer passed here.

As did someone who didn't have the sense to trim the Spam from the post, and
hence gave them a second exposure.

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