Word Documents In-Place Comparison in ActiveX Control



Dear sir,
I cannot do word documents In-place comparison in the Word Embed Object
through OLE with Word 2007.
But there is no problem with Word 2003.

We have a application with Embeded Word Object. It can do a Document
comparision with Word 2003.
But It failed with Word 2007.
This problem can also be reproduced in Microsoft Application "ActiveX
Control Test Container" together with Word 2007.

I have Office 2007 Installed on my system(Windows XP Professional).
Step to Reproduce:
1. Open ActiveX Control Test Container from path
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\tstcon32.exe"
2. Click Edit->Insert New Control, the Insert Control Dialog pops up
3. Choose "Microsoft Office Word Document" from the List, and then click OK.
We will see a frame for OLE Object.
4. Double click the from, the Word in In-Place Activated, and Word 2007 GUI
is display inside ActiveX Control Test Container.
5. Click the Review Tab on the Word GUI. Compare button in the compare box
is showed in Grey. This button is disable in the embeded word GUI.

* My Question: Does Comparison functionality is disabled in a Embed Word GUI
in Word version 2007 ?
If not, Would you mind to send me a code example for document compare for OLE?
Thanks a lot.

Thanks a million


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