Can't figure out how to save the data with my Excel visual report



I want to send my excel file containing my visual report to someone. However
when I save it as an xlsx file and then try to open it, it warns me about a
potential security concern which I acknowledge and then it says it cannot
find the file <path to my temp dir>/ResourceTP.cub. What is the process
here? Should I save a separate .cub file for every visual report, ie one for
every project file? I have a 8 project files all sharing a single resource

I have another question as well. I have 8 project files and they share a
single resource pool which is actually one of the 8 project files. How can I
make the resource pool external to the 8 actual project files?

I am running Office 2007 with service pack 2 for Excel and Project.


Dale Howard [MVP]

jackie777 --

I cannot duplicate your problem, but I am guessing that it may be caused by
a setting in Excel 2007. Try this:

1. Launch Microsoft Excel 2007.
2. Click the Office button and then click the Excel Options button at the
bottom of the menu.
3. In the Excel Options dialog, click the Trust Center menu item.
4. Click the Trust Center Settings button.

In either of the two sections on this page, are either of the "Disable..."
options selected? If so, select the "Enable..." or the "Prompt..." option
and click the OK button. Exit Microsoft Excel when finished. Now try
creating and saving a Visual Report. Does this resolve the problem? Let us

Mike Glen

Hi Jackie,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

For your second question, you'll have to create a new pool file and share
each of the 8 projects with that new pool. Then create another master
project and insert all 8 projects into it. The pool file is then stand
alone but with the sharing links.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials

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