Converting embedded objects in excel versus word



In Office 2000 SP3 there appears to be the functionality of being able to
right-click on an embedded object in a word document and having a Convert
option appear that will let you convert the file type, however this function
does not appear to be available in Excel, is this the case or am I missing
something in terms of updates or add-ins?
Specifically in this case it is a drawing created in an older version of
Autocad embedded into an excel spreadsheet. If we copy the drawing over to a
blank word doc we can right-click and convert (also in powerpoint), but we
cannot do it from within the excel file.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Gord Dibben


Copy the object then select a cell and Edit>Paste Special.

Pick a file type and OK

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


I guess I should have clarified more.
The files already exist as excel spreadsheets with the drawings embedded as
objects. When you right click on the object it refers to them as Volo View
which is not included in the new version of Autocad. If we attempt to
right-click on the file in excel there is no option to Convert. However if
the objects get taken from the excel file and embedded into a Word doc you
then have the option of Convert when right-clicking on it. I was trying to
find out of the Convert feature is not part of excel, but only available in
Word or Powerpoint.

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