Filtering for linkages (predecessors)



I need to make a report of tasks that have dependencies on another task (i.e.
those that have predecessors) as well as the converse of that -- a list of
tasks that other tasks are depending on them to finish.

I have a list of about 100 tasks with even more subtasks where very few of
them have any linkages. The setup of my project is like this:
Division Header1
Overall Task1
Overall Task2
Division Header2, etc.

Is there a filter option form that could pull these out for me?
Ideally I want the output to look something like this:

Division Header 1
Overall Task| subtask1 | date | subtask that this one depends on


You can get partly there just using filters. To get the rest of the way
you'd need to write a macro and use custom fields. Here's the filter part.

To do this you need to create a custom filter. Go to Project - Filtered For
- More Filters - New. For the "Has Predecessors" filter:
Field Name = Predecessors, Test = is greater than, Value(s) = 0, and
check "Show related summary rows".

When you apply this filter you'll get:
Division Header 1
Overall Task
subtask1 | date | id of subtask that this one depends on

Hopefully this will get you started.


Wow! That was amazing. Thank you. I just have left to figure out a way to
separate out tasks that are predessors and those that are successors.

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