List SQL Server Tables and Field Properties



I have an application I migrated from Access to SQL Server 2005 and have a
report that lists all of my tables and each field name, size, type, default
value and comments. Now that its in SQL i cannot use my report anymore.

Can you please give me an idea from Access on how I could enumerate through
each table in my SQL Database and list each field and its related properties?


Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Greg,

You could use the system stored procedure in the SQL Server to get the

The sp_columns will get the information.

sp_columns (Transact-SQL)


Wei Lu

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Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hi ,

How is everything going? Please feel free to let me know if you need any


Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support


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I have not yet had a chance to implement your solution with regards to
getting my table names populated. I should be workking on this within the
next few weeks.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Greg,

Please let me know the result if you have any question.

Thank you!


Wei Lu

Microsoft Online Community Support


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