"Open Recent" list takes too long to load



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel Whenever I try to open a file from the 'Open Recent' menu, I get the spinning beach ball and have to wait up to 30 seconds before the menu of files is displayed and I can do something else. This holds true for Word and Excel; I don't use other Office programs.

I thought I had fixed the problem by reverting to the local drive default location of the templates folder. (I had set it to a network location.) But that only worked for a day or so.

I have a 2Ghz Core Duo 2 with 2GB RAM, and the problem occurs regardless of how many (or how few) other programs I have open.

Note that I get the slow response every time I try to use (or accidentally hover on) the Open Recent item. It's not just the first time I try it, and then subsequent tries go fine. Even when I click on it, let it build the list, click away then click right back it has to laboriously rebuild the list.

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