Print Several Worksheets in ONE PDF File PROBLEM !!!


Raphael Reeax

Hello !

I still have the same problem that several people had on the Excel
groups but I did not find any solution.

Could anyone help me ??

The problem appears when I want to print several worksheets into ONE
pdf file. Actually only the latest worksheet is in the pdf file though
all sheets seem to be printed.

I have this problem for over a month and noone could help me. I was
told it is because I do not have to use the PDF Printer originally
installed in the computer BUT I HAVE TO BUY ADOBE ACROBAT STANDARD 6.0

Then I DID IT !!! I bought that bloody expensive programm and now I

Could you please tell me what I could try ??

Thank you very much for help !!



Bernard REY

Raphael Reeax wrote :
I still have the same problem that several people had on the Excel
groups but I did not find any solution.

Could anyone help me ??

The problem appears when I want to print several worksheets into ONE
pdf file. Actually only the latest worksheet is in the pdf file though
all sheets seem to be printed.

I have this problem for over a month and noone could help me. I was
told it is because I do not have to use the PDF Printer originally
installed in the computer BUT I HAVE TO BUY ADOBE ACROBAT STANDARD 6.0

Then I DID IT !!! I bought that bloody expensive programm and now I

Could you please tell me what I could try ??

What version of Excel are you using? I have just tested it now (Excel X
10.1.5 with Mac OS X 10.3.2 - and I don't have Adobe Acrobat) and it did
save the eighteen pages in one pdf file, including the seven sheets of my
workbook. So it must have been solved somehow. Even if the Knowledge Base
doesn't seem to have been updated:;en-us;325995

So could your mention which versions (XL & Mac OS X) you are running?

Raphael Reeax

Very strange !?!?

I have the same versions ! Mac OS X 10.3.2 and Excel 10.1.5 (Frensh Version).

Raphael Reeax

Very strange !?!?

I have the same versions ! Mac OS X 10.3.2 and Excel 10.1.5 (Frensh Version).

Bernard Rey

Very strange !?!?

I have the same versions ! Mac OS X 10.3.2 and Excel
10.1.5 (French Version).

As you can imagine, I'm using French versions too. I'll
have a closer look tonight (no Mac at work...) and try to
describe it step by step. But I didn't do anything
special. Just clicked on "Save as PDF.." in the print

Bernard Rey - Toulouse


Bernard REY

Bernard Rey wrote :
As you can imagine, I'm using French versions too. I'll
have a closer look tonight (no Mac at work...) and try to
describe it step by step. But I didn't do anything
special. Just clicked on "Save as PDF.." in the print

Well, well. I have great difficulties to explain how I did it. One thing is
that it must lie somewhere inside the Workbook. But I could hardly say more

In fact, the workbook I have used yesterday must have been originally
created with a Windows version, and it's certainly been back and forth a
couple of times: I tried, as said, to make it step by step from scratch
tonight, and couldn't work it out. Just once (!) I could make it. And that
was after having dragged the concerned folder from Virtual PC on to the
desktop, with a workbook (I think) I had just created with Excel in Windows.
But I couldn't find out precisely how and make another successful attempt,
even with the same workbook. But I can't be really sure. And it's been a
great time wasting!

Let's say that there seems to be a way, but certainly no easy one. Too bad.
So, we're more or less back to where we started from. Sorry if I gave you a
great hope and now can't give a serious clue. I'll certainly let you know if
I find some better information about it...

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