Problem with Updates



I have a problem with Office Updates for Office 2000. When I click on "Check
for Updates" I receive the message "Office Update is unable to check for
updates". I'm hoping my problem is due to the fact that I mistakenly deleted
all files from my Temp folder, and some of these deleted files are required
by Office Update. Fortunately I saved a copy of the deleted Temp file, and
they include files and folders that appear to be related to Office Update,
such as:

Office 2000 CD2 Setup (0002)
Office 2000 Small Business Setup (0002
Office Hotfix folder
OHotfix folder

Should I simply move the above deleted files/folders back into the Temp
folder, and will this fix my problem with Update? Are there other Update
files/folders in the Temp folder (besides those mentioned above) that should
also be restored?

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