Worksheet names in Start bar.



I run dual monitors and keep my start bar to the far right. I like to have
the names of the open Excel worksheets show up in the start bar so I can
select them without having to go to the Windows menu or search for them in
the main workspace. This is mainly an issue when I am switching back and
forth between programs and Excel is not on top. When I open the worksheets
individually, they show up in the start bar to the right. When I save a
workspace and then open the files using resume.xlw, I don't get the
individual file names in the start bar. Is there a way to get the names to
show up in the start bar while using the resume.xlw instead of having to
manually open the worksheets one by one? I am using 2002 on XP today, but
have access to 2007 on Vista so an answer that works with both would be
preferable. I will probably update the Vista machine to Win 7 soon if that
makes a difference.


Excel 2002 on XP Pro SP 3
Excel 2007 on Vista 64

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